Simple things – Transplanting African Violets

I inherited my mother’s African violets. For years she transplanted them for friends. They are all over the city. Since they are now my plants I have taken on that roll.

I thought I’d share how I start new African violet plants. This does not work 100% of the time but enough times to make it worth doing.  Note I am not a gardener or expert but this has worked for me.

I snap a leaf off close to the plant and use my finger nail to gentle open the stem of the leaf. Run your finger nail down from the leaf to the snapped off part. Place in water. Don’t submerged the whole leaf just the stem part.

Once you see roots on the leaf. Transplant it into your pot and water. When you water the new plant don’t get water on the leaf/plant.

Above is a new African violet. Can you see the big leaf in the back? Slightly different color. That is the one I planted alone with the roots.

My experience is that African violets like to be watered from the bottom. I pour a little water into the pot.  I make sure it doesn’t touch the leaves. Than I put water in the saucer. I only water once a week. Also I think they like to be a little crammed in the pot.

I love them as they remind me of my mom and I feel I am keeping a tradition alive.

You can always start now!


24 thoughts on “Simple things – Transplanting African Violets

  1. Gary says:

    Gosh, I’d forgotten how nice these plants are. I must visit the nearest garden centre this weekend and get some! My granddad was excellent at propagating plants from cuttings too. This reminded me of him way back in a potting shed. Amazing how the small things access good memories!


      1. Gary says:

        I’ve actually neglected my garden so far this year. Two things were removed though, a failing Apple tree and a shed that had seen better days. It’s also been odd weather here. Very up and down so many things are behind. Still, inspired to get some plants tomorrow now!


      2. Gary says:

        Any space for plants is a good space though. Pretty much the same here too. Weathers been all over. Cold, wet, hot, humid and back again. Still, weeds seem to be very appreciative!!!


      3. You Can Always Start Now says:

        Last four days here have been lovely – but we have a long weekend coming. Monday is Canada Day so….. you know that means rain after a stretch of good weather! Oh well have stuff to read and write. Still debating over whether to sign up for Camp NaNo in July. Have to make decision soon.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Gary says:

        Same here. I want to complete something in July, but I’m concerned about time. It’s been pretty short recently and to think it’s almost July is staggering!!!


      5. You Can Always Start Now says:

        I know – half the year over! WHAT! I still haven’t signed up for Camp NaNo yet but I should as it would give me a push. Once I commit to something I’m pretty good. So I will sign up for Camp NaNo today and be done with it. Now what to do?????

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Gary says:

        Kudos for the decision to sign up! I ought to really. Five chapters, how hard can it be?? Oh yes, time… an unfavourable beast currently and demonstrated by the whoosh to July!!?


      7. Gary says:

        Easier to recover in a Camp though. November is a whole different ball game when things get behind!!! I think a year list of must do achieving is a great idea. I might borrow it!!

        I’m sure you’ll catch up too. I avoided committing to Camps this year as I knew I’d struggle. I’m hoping things settle down through July and I can get back on writing track.

        Any chance you’ve got some camp words you can punt out with the word “Stable” in for this months BlogBattle too. I’d love to see a snippet of what you’re working on 😊


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