And the year begins…….

If you follow along you know in a recent post 2019 intentions  I am antsy about the coming year and the year after that.  I started my 2019 intentions last week. When I headed to a coffee shop with a new journal and a chocolate croissant. Coffee shop known for their croissants. Just saying.

I started with a brain storming session.  I wrote down everything I wanted to accomplish in 2019.  This included things to do and things to let of go. What I no longer wanted to carry around with me.  There was no censoring here. Just write it down and review later.

There are a lot of blogging and writing intentions on the page. Along with a few should I pursue or not and things to continue to work through.  After that I started breaking down a few ideas or making baby steps.  This is so that the intentions are not overwhelming and I can celebrate “wins” along the way.

Also I have twelve months so I want to be pragmatic. There will be months during the year I have more energy and time to devote to specific things. I decided to write participate in Camp NaNo in April. This way I am blocking off a month to do specific writing.

By breaking the intentions into small pieces I will see progress and can check that box when completed. All moving me forward without that sense of not completing anything. By completing all the smaller pieces and celebrating wins along the way I will complete the larger piece and enjoy the progress more.

Currently I am breaking down the intentions into specific tasks for each one. Heading and subheadings and check boxes.  I’m excited about the possibilities and feel this will keep me on track.  As I’m breaking down intentions I am also considering what I am finally going to let go of in 2019. What dreams no longer serve me? What possibilities are just not feasible at this time due to work, resources or whatever? Only so much energy and time where do I want to focus them?

I want to head into 2019 with intentions I can accomplish. I want to make sure I don’t put too much on my plate.  I will reevaluate quarterly on how I am doing.  What should my focus in the next quarter be on?  What can I put aside for a while to concentrate on something else? Better yet what can I totally cross off the list as done.

So to 2019 and making things happen. By the end of 2019 I want to have my intentions for 2020 and a new decade well in hand and know I am going into that decade full-on.

You can always start now!


20 thoughts on “And the year begins…….

  1. awandafulthing says:

    I am so envious that you have your 2019 intentions started. I am entering a one year in numerology so 2018 was my year to finish things – endings to I can have new beginnings. I am really looking forward to what 2019 brings, hoping we get to collab more in 2019.
    I loved all your posts this year and look forward to what you offer in 2019.


  2. Janet Givens says:

    I love new beginnings. Always have a sense of possibility about them. It’s exciting. My best wishes to you as you head into 2019. May your chocolate croissants multiple and your waist remain the same.


    1. You Can Always Start Now says:

      I would love that croissants and waist. I enjoy new beginnings also and I am looking forward to 2019 and making things happen. Have started to break down my brain storming ideas so excited about them. Happy New New to you and to new beginnings.


    1. You Can Always Start Now says:

      I think so also. Friend gave me lovely journal and I am using that to keep track of intentions. Started with brain storming and now each page has intention and breaking it down into steps. Yes to an exciting 2019 – looking forward to reading/seeing what you are up to.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. EsmeSalon (@EsmeSalon) says:

    Good for you! My intention is to slow down a bit, take more ME time and also more family time. I need to channel my energy more and not spread myself so thin all over the show. Although I do not have a croissant at the moment, I will have my coffee and pull my year planner and continue to work on my plans for 2019.


    1. You Can Always Start Now says:

      I think that is a good plan to slow down and take more ME time. Let me know how I can help. Maybe you want an accountability partner! I think part of it is scheduling ME time into our busy day. Make dates with people you love. I will be checking in on you!!!


  4. Debbie Harris says:

    Happy New Year and all the best with your intentions, it sounds like you’re on the right track to achieving them. I agree breaking down what you want to get done is a great start. 🙂


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