Getting back into the habit – a few challenges

I thought I’d be writing more fiction and blogging during the pandemic.  I mean, I was home more so….. but it didn’t happen.  I did a paint-by-numbers for a friend, re-read books from my bookcase, listened to podcasts and watched Netflix.  Motivation, lack of it, came into play.

I want to end the year strong so decided to take up some challenges.  These prompts will get me writing and posting.  Here are a few  – I’m sure there are tons more.  Please add any you know in the comments.  Maybe we can all participate and challenge each other.

Linda G Hill  has a few prompts Stream of consciousness Saturday and one-liner Wednesday.

Eclecticali has weekend coffee share.  It is a great way to share what you have been up to and connect with others.

I thought this was interesting 30 day challenge. Different prompt every day.  I think we get overwhelmed thinking we have to write 2000 words or more for every post, but really if it is a fun challenge and to get us back into writing than any word count is a plus in my opinion.  Some prompts you might have lots to say, others not too much.

Another fun one for writers (or anyone!) is Blog Battle.  New word prompt every month.

What about doing a book review? Have you read a book that resonated with you?

What about a photo prompt? Check out Sue Vincent.

These are ones I have come across. Please add any you have done, seen in the comments for all of us.  Deep breath I’m doing this!

You can always start now!





11 thoughts on “Getting back into the habit – a few challenges

  1. msomerville2014 says:

    I thought I was going to make a lot of sourdough bread during the lockdown! I had two fails a and ended up letting the starter sit. I did do a lot of writing and reading of blog posts, in addition to working on another writing project, but mostly my energy went into working from home. Thank you for these suggestions. I took a quick look and may come back to check them farther. Best and blessings, Michele


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