Weekend Coffee Share – new normal???

July 1st was Canada Day.  A Wednesday so not a long weekend unless you took vacation days. Which I did for Thursday and Friday.  I didn’t use up all last year’s vacation due to COVID-19 and April started a new vacation year so have days to play with.  I know that is a privilege that I very much appreciate.

July 1st (Canada Day) we usually start the day with a pancake breakfast, activities for the kids, concerts in the evening and fireworks to end the day.  This year not so much.  Yes we had virtual concerts which were much appreciated and thank you to the artists that gave  their time and energy.  Also virtual fireworks were offered.

I for one felt off July 1st. It felt like a Sunday. Not much to do but putter at home (which I love by the way). A lot of places were not open being a holiday.  I guess this is the first holiday I felt was off due to COVID-19.  We celebrated Easter during COVID-19 but the Easter Bunny still arrived and celebrations usually take place in the home.  For us the weather isn’t great in April. Canada here.

So if this is the new normal for a while, I have to be more proactive if I want to celebrate and maybe take it on myself.  Make plans to get together, see what is open to take in. Parks, hikes – I guess make the most of what is happening now.

Time is going by regardless of COVIC-19. Yes, things are slowly opening up but we still have to be vigilant. I don’t want to spend the summer feeling off. That something is missing that maybe I could do something about.

How are you celebrating summer this year?  I would love to know and gather ideas.

You can always start now!



8 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share – new normal???

  1. Wanda Mulley says:

    I felt off on July 1st as well, it did feel like a weekend day so felt off on Thursday and Friday as well as didn’t want to be at work ;). I thought it would be harder to accept the new norm but when you have no choice I find it better to go with the flow than fight it- I’ll save my energy for something else.


  2. houndsofsilence says:

    It seems harder than usual to find places to go that doesn’t have crowds of people. I began looking into less popular hiking trails in my area and I found several options. This weekend my family and I will be hiking those trails. Our new normal is celebrating each and every day we are given (I no longer take that for granted) by breathing in nature and it’s beauty.


    1. You Can Always Start Now says:

      I am jealous! Fabulous to find less popular hiking trails. I think this has been an eye opener to what is important and that time is limited. We just don’t know what is coming down the tubes. I think your celebrating each and every day in nature is so positive. Nature can give us so much – starting with calmness. Hope you are having a great summer hiking and taking it all in!!


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