Weekend Coffee Share


I decided to pop over to Eclecticali  for #weekend coffee share.  I enjoy my coffee on the weekends. It has become something of a ritual for me to make my pot of coffee (yes I share it), pop into my favorite blogs and Facebook groups to see what everyone has been up to during the week. I am always amazed at how creative, nurturing and encouraging bloggers are to each other.

Enough of that. This is my weekend coffee share so….  Home today to do household items. I enjoy a day at home as somewhat of a homebody and it is how I recharge. Yesterday managed to squeeze in finding new boots (desperate) and social time.

Met a friend for drinks and late lunch (or early supper). It was good to catch up one-on-one, as last few times we have been in a group. I enjoy the dynamics of a group and listening to what everyone is up to. But, it is also enjoyable to have one-on-one time. It is a totally different dynamic and I find the conversations can be deeper. Maybe it is because you are connecting with just that one person, not trying to keep track of a few conversations.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend and taking time for you!

You can always start now!


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