Journal prompt – list 3 things that burn you out

what burns me out

This journal prompt came in two parts. This is the first part. What burns me out?

  1. What burns me out is victim mentality. I’m not talking about when depressed, you need to rant or to work things through. What burns me out is when it is constant victim mentality. Where everything is happening to X with no accountability. X never looks at the common denominator or has the self awareness hmmmm….they might be part of the problem.
  2. Needs and expectations burn me out. For me, this is when people push their agenda at the expense of everyone else. That their needs seem to take precedent over others. A lot of the things that “give me life” or “joy” are solitary. I find people often discount them as “oh, you can do that later.” Like “that” (mostly creative pursuits) are not important and can be done off to the side. I want people to acknowledge their needs and expectations might be out of line. As in my life doesn’t revolve around them.
  3. Too many social engagement close together burns me out. I’ll acknowledge this isn’t a bad problem to have as it means things are happening. As an introvert it burns me out. That was the journal prompt after all. I enjoy going out – passionate conversation and travel – but I need my alone time to re-charge. So, if I’m out a few nights in a row I feel it. I tell people I need to be off to be on. Spreading out my social engagements is ideal for me. I enjoy the event and I’m on. Re-charge, do my thing, then I’ll came back out. Seems fair.

I realised when I was writing my burnout is pretty well people! From dealing with victim mentality, to needs and finally too social. That seems in-line for an introvert. I can be on like an extrovert, but it takes time off to get there. I think it is healthy to know what we need. What 3 things burn you out?

5 thoughts on “Journal prompt – list 3 things that burn you out

  1. EsmeSalon says:

    Dear friend, We all need our ‘me time’ and some need more than others. Take all the ‘me time’ you need and hope you will have a wonderful Christmas.
    Thank you for visiting and sharing your links with us at SSPS #291. See you again on Monday, January 8th, 2024.


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