Angel Card – Harmony


The Angel Card for the week is Harmony.  When I think of harmony music automatically comes to mind.  Different instruments and/or voices coming together to create something special.  You don’t have to be musically inclined to know when something sounds off.  The wrong key was played or the voice not in the correct range.  We enjoy music because of the harmony – the coming together and complementing sounds of voices and/or instruments.  It sounds pleasing and often makes us happy.

So what about thinking of harmony in our day-to-day lives.   Do we feel happy?  Content?  Frustrated? Or angry?  If harmony is the coming together to create something pleasing than how can we apply that to our lives?  Are we getting enough sleep?  Eating right? Exercising? Getting outside for some vitamin D?  Are we feeding our souls along with our body?  If we can hear when there is a lack of harmony in music are we listening to the potential lack of harmony within ourselves?

Can we become more mindful and present to hear and acknowledge what is happening in our bodies, mind and spirit.  Is there a lack of harmony?  We have to start acknowledging if we are not happy and/or on the right path.  Harmony is not something we should make time for in the future – it should be something we have now or are at least working towards!  We shouldn’t feel “out of tune” all the time.

What small steps can we take now to create harmony in our lives?  Making lunch in the evening so our morning is not as chaotic? Going for a walk after supper?  Finally reading that book you bought over a year ago.  Acknowledging you don’t have to do everything perfect.  Letting go.  We are the only ones that can change how we feel and it has to start now.  Let’s create harmony in our lives – you will know what it feels like when you take a breath and think this is exactly where I want to be and smile.

24 thoughts on “Angel Card – Harmony

  1. StephJ says:

    I have been writing about similar topics on my blog lately. There is so much truth to the importance of being connected to what is happening in your body and how it relates to our minds. I feel like it is. It talked about enough tour yet effects so many of us.


    1. Amelia says:

      The Angel Card series where a good reality check for me. They made me slow down and think and often put my week into perspective – some cards were uncanny when they came up and what was going on at the time. Or maybe it was how I interrupted them? Who knows only that I needed it at the time. Hope weather is improving over there. Lots of rain in NS.


      1. StephJ says:

        So cold here in nl. I don’t think summer is going to come, spring certainly hasn’t. To many icebergs maybe. I did a tarot reading last night for the first time in a long time. I have a big decision coming up that I needed clarity on. It was really helpful. I forgot how nice it is to have a little insight or guidance every now and again. ?


      2. Amelia says:

        We had two hot day (high 20) and that was it. Heading over in early July to west coast so hate to tell you but I hope to see some icebergs! Glad you got clarity – always good.


  2. Gloria says:

    Yes we are in control of our thoughts. Harmony is a lovely word and it can be brought into our lives quite easily. Might take some effort sometimes but it’s there for us all. We need to grab it.
    I like this post ?


    1. Amelia says:

      Thank you for stopping by. I enjoyed the Angel Card series. Agree harmony is a lovely/positive word. Yes it might take work but worth it. I’m all for grabbing it and creating it!


  3. Traci York says:

    I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that I love this Angel Card series, given how many of them I’ve shared on Twitter! Excellent suggestion for taking small steps to create harmony – whenever I manage to remember this, it always makes a big difference. Thanks for reminding me to focus on finding ways to create peace again. 🙂


    1. Amelia says:

      Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed writing the series and often it was just what I needed to take my head out of a difficult situation. Like a reality check. Love your blog and thanks for the shout out on the quote this week.


  4. justmuddlingthroughlife says:

    We do need more harmony but it can be hard sometimes to create. We were all sat here quietly eating yogurt a while ago, all calm. Till i realised my 5 year old daughter was under the table dipping a pritt stick in her yogurt and using it to draw yogurty patterns over the floor… harmony broken..


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