Feeding my soul – blogging

At times I have struggled for air.  Breathe, breathe, this isn’t who you are and will this matter in a year or wait! 24 hours? When you feel yourself spiraling down over a comment, situation or individual. Realizing you have to pull yourself up before you hit the bottom. The majority of us have been there at some point.

I was walking (one of my favorite things to do ALONE) and thought “what feeds my soul?” I realized this was something I could, no should, tap into.  What better way to articulate my thoughts than to blog about it?

Blogging has brought me into an incredible community. I feel I have found my tribe. People who are creative, supportive and encouraging.  Yes, I have a blog by accident. Thank you Wanda.  But now I feel it is part of my journey and has pushed my boundaries in so many other areas.  Yes, blogging feeds my soul.

Reading, sharing and commenting in my community. Seeing blogging friends celebrate wins, disappointments, share their stories and feel a part of it. Having your “regulars” that you look forward to connecting with weekly. This feeds my soul.

People sharing intimate details with the hope that it will help someone else. You are not alone they are saying. Yes, this feeds my soul. Knowing that a diverse group of people all over the world are out there waiting and wanting to connect.

Tap into what feeds your soul. Go for a walk, meditate, talk to a friend and note how you feel. Are you at peace? Do you feel your body becoming calm? Are you feeding your soul?

You can always start now!




48 thoughts on “Feeding my soul – blogging

  1. kedawithani says:

    OMG… I literally just hit publish on the exact same thing…(sorta) I mentioned how uncannily relatable people’s experiences are and boom… I go to BUYB and I click on your link first… hahah… I can definitely relate to this… When I click log in I feel like I’ve just reached home…


    1. Amelia says:

      It is not just writing the post but also reading others’ post and the whole community atmosphere of support and encouragement. That is a lovely visual when you click log in you’ve reached home. I agree. Thank you.


  2. drallisonbrown says:

    Blogging feeds my soul, as well. It’s primarily because it gives me a reason to write. I’ve always wanted to write but no one in my circle was as enthusiastic about reading my work as I was about writing 🙂 And, it’s more fun when you connect with people who resonate – people on your same frequency!


    1. Amelia says:

      I am in the same boat here. I find blogging has helped me write more in other areas. Given me confidence what I have to say is worthy. Yes to the same frequency and connecting with an incredible community (you and rest of BUYB). Thank you.


  3. Melissa says:

    You’ve echoed so many of my own thoughts! Yes, blogging has pushed so many boundaries for me. I’m doing stuff now I would have probably scoffed at two years ago!


    1. Amelia says:

      Agree – me too. It has made me feel what I have to write about is worthy reading. Also exploring and pushing my boundaries through blogging I am living it just not thinking about it. If I am writing it and putting it in a post I am now activity living it and working on it. So keep blogging and pushing boundaries!!


  4. Lisa Orchard says:

    I so agree with this post! If we all found what resonated with our soul we’d have less time for conflict. We’d be too busy enjoying ourselves. Hopefully, this idea will catch on. 🙂


    1. Amelia says:

      So agree. I think knowing what feeds our soul and tapping into it when stressed is important. I guess the saying “go to your happy place!” is there for a reason!


  5. Suzanne [globalhousesitterX2] says:

    Yes agreed happening over my way too 🙂 Have a good weekend Amelia and I appreciate your visits on my blog!


    1. Amelia says:

      I have had so many spin offs from it. Confidence being one to share other creative projects. I also feel like I have found my “tribe” in blogging. thank you.


  6. Claire Saul (PainPalsBlog) says:

    Blogging came to me quite unexpectedly and unplanned as life changed in so many ways. But it has given me a huge support network and friends in so many unexpected ways, and has led to me being able to give some support back, find new ways to be useful and find rewards in life. Thank you for dedicating this post to our lovely group on the final BUYB thread x


    1. Amelia says:

      I was accidental blogging also and now can’t imagine not doing it. Yes to a supportive network (incredible) and giving back (which you do as I have read your blog). BUYB as my first Facebook group blogging and it was amazing how supportive and encouraging everyone was. It was finding my tribe. So to continuing on and seeing where the next chapter takes us. Thanks for commenting and visiting.


      1. Amelia says:

        thank you. I was over for a visit. I feel very privileged to have been apart of BUYB. It was my first Facebook group and you all were incredible with your support and encouragement. So to the chapter.


      2. Amelia says:

        I think we will – see a lot of us are already over at Em’s Facebook Group. I love the community we have created so yes to it continuing.


  7. gemmaorton says:

    This is all so true and I feel the same way. Blogging has done more for me than I could imagine and I’ve discovered some great people along the way. Feed your soul.


    1. Amelia says:

      It was been an incredible ride. Sad about BUYB as that was the catalyst for me meeting and sharing. Thank you for being part of that journey and to more discoveries.


  8. Positively Alyssa says:

    This was a truly wonderful post! It is so important that we all feed our souls everyday as it really helps keep is feeling well. Blogging has really brought so much joy to my life. I started last July and really love every moment of it! I look forward to reading more of your posts! I hope if you have the time you will check out my site. I always aim to encourage and inspire others through the words I write. I hope your week is going well!!


    1. Amelia says:

      Was over for a visit. Your blog is great and very inspirational. I think one of the positives about blogging is letting people know they are not alone. that there are people out there to inspire them. Well done.


      1. Positively Alyssa says:

        Thank you so much! I am so happy to know that you find my blog inspirational. I do want to let others know they are not alone in this world and others can relate! I kind of need to hear that today as it has been a difficult day with a massive migraine.


      2. Amelia says:

        I don’t suffer from migraine (thank goodness) but have a friend who does and know it can take her out of commission totally. It is very important people with MS and other chronic diseases know they have a voice. Take care


      3. Positively Alyssa says:

        Thank you! I hope you have a great weekend as well! I am glad to hear today was cooler for you. I heard next week where I live is going to be even hotter than it was this week.


      4. Amelia says:

        YES! It is always the humidity. It makes me sticky and hot. Hot just makes me hot. Does that make sense? You are never alone my dear.


  9. aesully83 says:

    I’m very new at blogging but love all of this!! I totally agree about feeding your soul, it is so important to find what makes you happy and refuels you and find time for those things!


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