Holiday Wish List or at least mine!!

Parmesan Cheese

What better way to get to know someone than to check out their wish list! With the holidays coming up fast I’d thought I’d show you mine.  Remember this is a wish list – stressing the wish part of the sentence. But wishes are free so…..

Mini Succulents  I’m having a thing for them right now. No, I can’t explain it.

Being a self-help junkie I thought this looked neat journal of self-discovery. 

I’m currently into a bit of an industrial look. Different for me so this IKEA shelving unit caught my eye.

Can you imagine doing yoga here! Check out Estelle Thomson yoga and art.

I’m thinking I want a pottery mug. Something new to enjoy my coffee on the weekends.

 Wayfair  has an area rug that caught my wish list as it would bring out the colors in some new artwork.

What do you think of this console table?

This is my holiday wish list so I had to include something, well, holiday. That said I think these lanterns are pretty versatile for 12 months of the year.

To attend the Annual Bloggers Bash is so on my wish list! Meeting my peeps!

My friend Wanda over at  A Wandafulthing has a wish list also so check her’s out!  Also check out Natalie is finding balance for her wish list. 

Hope everyone has a lovely Holiday season! Treat the whole month as special and enjoy with family, friends and be kind to yourself.

You can always start now!



14 thoughts on “Holiday Wish List or at least mine!!

  1. Rebecca Moon Ruark says:

    Very fun. I love seeing others’ wish lists! Mine mostly contains experiences–literary festivals, retreats, etc., I would like to attend. And also a bluetooth speaker to work with my phone, and someone (probably one of my kids) to set it up/figure it out, because I’m no good at that stuff!


    1. Amelia says:

      I was fun to do – definitely a “wish list”. When I popped into Wanda’s I was like “oh this is so much more realistic”. Here I am wishing France for yoga and London for Bloggers Bash!! Oh well that is what wishes are about! Start yours I think experiences are what life is about!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You Can Always Start Now says:

      I haven’t been on one of her retreats. I am taking an on-line course with her called SHE Quest which is amazing. Podcasts, art, journaling and yoga. I think a women’s retreat would be incredible. I’d be in for a weekend of inspiration!


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